Written By: Stephanie Dunaieff

Here are a few ways to bring learning along on your vacation in a fun and creative way.

1) While on vacation find out where other people are from. Whether you are hanging out by a pool or on the beach, or waiting on line for a ride there are always other people around. Find out where people are from and keep a list in a notebook or on a tablet. At night back at the hotel room here’s what you can do with the information.

Math: Create a dot plot or bar graph of the different places. Slightly other children can find the percentage from the different places or describe the data by finding the mode and peak.

Geography: Bring a map (you can print one online) and then put a dot or sticker at every place that you met someone from.

Writing: Every day you can ask one person that you meet for a story about where they are from. At night you can rewrite the story and something you learned from it.

Science: Watch the news and record the temperature and humidity then compare it to where you’re from.

History: Find out one piece of history each day about that vacation area. Keep a list of what you learn.


2) While driving around especially on a road trip keep a list of different license plates states. Also keep track of the time you spend driving from place to place and the actual distance.

Math: Find your average speed based on distance and time. Again create a dot plot or bar graph of states that the license plates are from.

Geography: Bring a map and track where you are going. Describe the path you are driving using the cardinal directions.

Writing: Write a journal entry about what you did each day of the trip.

Science: Watch the news and record the temperature and humidity then compare it to where you’re from.

History: Find out one piece of history from each city that you stop in on your road trip.